Discover 240+ Wineries

Explore 46 Napa Valley varietals - narrow by your criteria - create itineraries for each day of your stay - map and go!


Citrus and figs

Cosentino Winery
Variety of wines, including collaboration with Larry Bird
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Cult Wine Central
Discover and taste some of Napa's finest cult wines in one spot
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Graesar Winery
A hidden gem with a rustic feel and welcoming staff
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Napa Wine Company
Many small label wines poured in this one stop tasting room
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Signorello Vineyards
Boutique winery offers great service and lovely patio area
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St. Supery Vineyards
Spacious tasting room and winemaking education gallery
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Stony Hill Vineyard
Small winery with visits hosted by the owners or winemaker
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V. Sattui Winery
A popular spot for picnics with deli/market on site
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