Discover 240+ Wineries

Explore 46 Napa Valley varietals - narrow by your criteria - create itineraries for each day of your stay - map and go!

Meritage Blends

A blend of traditional Bordeaux varietals

Bounty Hunter Rare Wines
Forty different wines by the glass along with barbecue menu
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Casa Nuestra Winery
Eclectic, relaxed setting and a variety of wines
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Flora Springs Winery
Stylish space and amiable staff make for a fun atmosphere
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Franciscan Estate
Large, modern tasting room and lovely, scenic grounds
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Goosecross Cellars
Dedicated to providing attentive, generous hospitality
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Louis M. Martini Winery
Verdant outdoor tasting area and knowledgeable staff
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Madrigal Vineyards
Small winery offers intimate tastings and tours
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Monticello Vineyards
Monticello-inspired architecture and picturesque grounds
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Newton Vineyard
Intimate visits include tours of manicured gardens
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Private tours and tastings of their upscale wines
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Raymond Vineyard & Cellar
Quiet, simple grounds and personable staff
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Sawyer Cellars
A warm atmosphere and relaxed tastings in a restored barn
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Silver Rose
Rustic spot with warm, friendly service and inn and spa
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St. Supery Vineyards
Spacious tasting room and winemaking education gallery
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Trinchero Napa Valley
Lovely grounds, renovated tasting room and great service
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