Discover 240+ Wineries

Explore 46 Napa Valley varietals - narrow by your criteria - create itineraries for each day of your stay - map and go!

Late Harvest Wine

Ripe grapes picked very late in harvest

Casa Nuestra Winery
Eclectic, relaxed setting and a variety of wines
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Castello di Amorosa
Vast castle offers extensive tours and large tasting room
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Ceja Vineyards
Friendly and comfortable spot to enjoy food, art and wine
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Grgich Hills Estate
A popular, historic spot with informative staff
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Hess Collection Winery
Tours, tastings, lovely outdoor areas and large art museum
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Hill Family Estate
Small and friendly tasting room inside an antique store
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Luna Vineyards
Produces Arnold Palmer wines and offers seated tastings
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Setting is reminiscent of a private club accompanied by artisan wines and exquisite art
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Merryvale Vineyards
Much-visited, friendly winery with variety of tastings
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Peju Province Winery
Much-visited for its hospitality and lovely landscaping
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Prager Winery and Port
Quaint and small with an informal, family atmosphere
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Trefethen Family Vineyards
Historic property offers friendly, educational service
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V. Sattui Winery
A popular spot for picnics with deli/market on site
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Van Der Heyden Vineyards
Cozy, quirky, family-run and family-friendly winery
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